Monday, April 14, 2008

Liar Liar

A friend used to tell me this :

Lawyer is a "liar" and Doctor is a "killer"

Well, apparently I not totally agree with him.

Yes - maybe lawyer is a liar
but No - Doctor definitely not a killer.

Just to make thing interesting, I had an operation last month

Doc said it wont hurt and only take about a week to heal.
And guess what?
Its almost a month now. and im not 100% heal.
And u don't want me to start with how "not hurt" the operation is.

Guess I should consider what my friend said - but with a little twist :

Lawyer is a liar and doctor?

Doctor is a liar too and i really want to kill them! ( I mean

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Myth vs Reality

Myth : It's hard to say "Sorry"

Reality : It's hard to say "Please and Thank You"

Question #2

Apa persamaan semua di bawah ?

Pergaduhan Sunni - Syiah di Iraq

Kesemua filem arahan Prof. Madya Razak Mohaideen

Alasan Bush menyerang Iraq

Menjenamakan semula Mat Rempit menjadi Mat Cemerlang

Pergelutan Hizbullah - Kerajaan Lebanon

Keputusan Pak Lah membatalkan pembinaan jambatan bengkok

Drama forensik di TV3

Perebutan kuasa Hamas - Fatah di Palestin

Alasan yang di berikan oleh Dato' Zakaria sebab dia buat banglo ala-istana

Dapat CGPA 0.65


They are all stupid

Pak Lah vs. Mahathir

A : Ko tau tak skang dah ader roti canai Pak Lah dengan roti canai Mahathir?

B : Tak.

A : Ko tau tak apa bezanya?

B : Tak.

A : Roti canai Mahathir ada telor... Roti canai Pak Lah takdak telor. Lawak tak?

B : Tak

Malaysia. Tanahairku.

A girl, 2 boys & LOTR trilogy

Semalam time aku tengah beratur nak kuar duit kat ATM aku dengar la dua org budak laki nih sembang...

Budak #1 : Aku rasa aku ada chance la nak dapat awek tuh.

Budak #2 : Sebab apa beb?

Budak #1 : Semalam die bagitau aku dier sukar cerita Lord Of The Ring Trilogy. Aku pun suke giler citer tuh.

Budak #2 : Waa...Best la ko. Cun siot awek tuh.

Budak #1 : Tengok kaki la beb.

*Blah Blah Blah*

Aku rasa budak2 ni tak tau yang lebih daripada separuh penduduk bumi suka tengok LOTR Trilogy.


Guy : Here miss, my employee's application form.

Secretary : Umm…u missed this section. Can I fill it for u, sir?

Guy : Which section?

Secretary : 'Who is to be notified in case of an emergency'

Guy : Oh..That section.

Secretary : So who should be notified then?

Guy : Obviously a good doctor.

Secretary : Huh?

Guy : We should get a good doctor, right?

Secretary : …

Guy : Right?

Secretary : Ummm...

Secretary : Im sorry sir, but I don’t think we have vacancies here.

Guy : Huh?

Guy : ...

What a wonderful world

Girl : Semalam time aku gi cafe ader 2 orang Pak Arab buat simbol2 lucah kat aku. Siot tul.

Aku : Simbol apa?

Girl : Simbol lucah la. Ko tau la aku. Suka pakai baju seksi2. Nampak tetek semua kan? Paham2 jer la.

Aku : Ha Ha Ha. Cakap la dier buat simbol apa?

Girl : Tak mau la cakap. Tapi nak jer aku pegi kat diaorang. Tanya tak belajar agama ker?

Aku : Tah tah nanti diaorang yang tanya balik kat ko. Pasal apa ko pakai baju seksi2 - tak belajar agama ker?

Girl : Oit nih tetek aku. Suka aku la nak pakai baju seksi ker tak. Diaorang sibuk2 tuh buat apa?

And i laughed and laughed and laughed.

Question #1

What is the difference between TRUTH and PAIN?

It's how we SPELL them.

That's it. Period

Bush, Blair & Mom

Bush : I hates cat.

Blair : My mom said that if we hates cat we will be re-born as mice. How lame that joke is?

Bush : Its no joke. She's right.

Blair : You're crazy.

Bush : I know. So do you.

Blair : Huh? Me?

Bush : Yeah, you. That's why they sent us to this mental institution in the first place, right?

Blair : Huh?

Bush : At least that's what they told me.

Blair : ...

Bush : ...

Blair : Maybe we should skip the dinner and sleep early tonight.

Bush : ...


Just. Fresh. New. Start.